The Process Paper
The no more than 500-word process paper IS NOT a mini-version of your research project; it is a description of how you did your research and how your topic relates to the theme. It is required for all categories (except paper).
Think about the word ‘process’. It refers to the steps needed to get a job done. Let’s say that you were going to write a process paper on how to bake a cake. You would describe the process why you decided to bake a certain kind of cake. The steps to make the cake: preheating the oven; mixing the ingredients; pouring the batter into pan; baking; etc. Do the same kind of thing for your project.
Suggested Outline
Paragraph 1: Why you chose this topic.
Explain how you chose your topic.
Do not provide a list of topics you thought about or almost chose.
Jump right into what an awesome topic it is and what was interesting about it to you.
You might include parts of your thesis here- why the topic is significant in history.
Paragraph 2: How you conducted your research.
Explain how you conducted your research.
What kinds of sources did you use?
Where did you get your information?
Highlight some of the best resources and research you did.
Did you visit an archives or museum to find information?
Did you interview an expert?
Play up primary sources you found that helped your project.
Paragraph 3: How you created and developed your project.
Explain how you selected your presentation category and created your project.
Describe the steps you took to complete your project.
Describe your thought process for the exhibit, website or documentary layout.
Is color choice important in the project?
Did you learn any new software?
If you worked in a group, how did you divide up the work?
Paragraph 4: How your project relates to the theme.
Does your project fit the theme? Make a clear case for it.
Did you focus on one element of the theme? Explain why.
This is also another place to include parts of your thesis.
You do not have to include it word for word but restate it in a way that answers the question but also leaves the judges understanding your main argument.
Some Sample Process Papers from the NHD Website